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FAQs About Microneedling

FAQs About Microneedling

Microneedling Toronto also referred to as Collagen Induction Therapy, is a skin treatment in which microneedles are used to penetrate and perforate the skin which helps to create superficial wounds which stimulate the production of collagen and other skin growth factors. The V2 beauty booster system is one of the most popular micro-needling systems. If you have been considering undergoing this treatment, then following are answers to some of the frequently asked questions about microneedling which will help you to make an informed decision.

How does it work?

The microneedles penetrate the skin which makes the dermis layer contract and heals, which in turn gives rise to a glowing, youthful and firm skin and there is a substantial decrease in fine lines, acne scars and other similar problems. It forces the skin to repair itself by regenerating new cells. Stimulation of collagen growth causes the newly formed tissues to have stronger collagen and elastin. The elastin and collagen fibres are formulated in the papillary dermis which is the most important layer of the skin which needs to be targeted.

Can it be combined with other treatments?

The combination of micro-needling and Redensity I helps to optimize the skin and stimulate collagen production which creates an overall luminous glow to the skin. It can be treated as food for the new cells. Redensity I is a non-cross linked product which is used as it is meant to be absorbed by the skin within 24-48 hours.

What is the V2 injector gun?

It is a microneedling treatment which is extremely precise in product placement and dosage. The length of the procedure and sensations felt by the usage of multiple needles can be decreased with the help of this injector gun. It is a handheld stamping gun which makes the microneedling treatment easy to customize according to your needs. It also has body-specific settings.

What needs to be done in order to prep for and after the treatment?

One of the best things about this treatment is that absolutely no prep is needed. The downtime is very little, though aftercare is quite necessary. After undergoing the procedure, it is recommended that you don’t consume any food, drinks or medications which are blood thinners for at least 3 days before the procedure. This will help to reduce bleeding and also chances of bruising, allowing you to recover faster.

What to expect after the treatment?

After the treatment, you will be asked to clean your face before going to bed with the help of a gentle cleanser followed by a simple moisturizer with no active ingredients. The morning after the treatment you will be asked to resume your normal skincare routine and even apply makeup if you wish to. For the first 48 hours, it is recommended that you cleanse and apply the products which have light pressure. You may even experience minor pin prink brushing, which is completely normal and will settle in within two to ten days.

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