Addiction Recovery Support During the Covid-19

Addiction Recovery Support During the Covid-19

Day-to-day life has been severely affected by the coronavirus epidemic. People have been forced to work from home, limit public gatherings, avoid visiting elderly relatives, and home-school their children. Whether you show symptoms or have met someone who has been infected, you would need to self-isolate. This only makes things more complicated for people that are on the path of addiction recovery. The way a drug rehab or alcohol rehab has changed entirely. You would need to attend recovery meetings frequently. However, chances are that your road to recovery has been affected considerably.

Although Covid-19 requires precaution, it is not necessary for your recovery to be affected. Besides taking precautions, you also need to learn to ease anxiety. Cocaine Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and Alcoholics Anonymous offer peer-support meetings. They have made changes to maintain hygiene and curb the spread of the virus. It is possible to seek online tele-therapy and meetings to stick to your drug rehab program. The fact is that the government is issuing new guidelines regarding who must self-isolate and the type of public gatherings that are permitted regularly. Hence, it is important to stay in the know.

Preventing the Spread of Covid-19 at Addiction Support Meetings

If you plan on attending peer-support meetings, you will need to take extra steps for preventing infection. Besides maintaining basic hygiene, the following actions should be followed.

1. Avoid Holding Hands

One of the most important tips that you should follow to prevent the spread of the virus is avoiding holding hands with other people at the meetings. It is simply best that you simply nod when you see someone rather than make physical contact. Moreover, you should always wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer to stay safe.

2. Carefully Serve Food and Drinks

Serving tools should be brought to the meetings if you plan on serving food and drinks during the meetings. It will help ensure that people avoid touching any of the items. Make sure that the items are prepared using gloves. It is important for the servers to wear gloves. You will also need to wash your hands before you decide to eat.

3. Stay in Contact

A practice that you should maintain is having the phone number and email of every member to ensure that they are updated about scheduling changes. The members can also let each other know if they do not plan on attending the meeting.

4. Host Online Meetings

To ensure addiction recovery support is provided without any disruption, it is important that you host online meetings. You can plan the alcohol rehab program and offer it online. It will help provide peer-support to everyone. Besides, members would be able to self-isolate when you offer online meetings.

Provide Online Resources for Addiction Support

There are plenty of online recovery groups which offer free online recovery meetings each week. The meetings cover just about everything. Participants simply need to register to the site and can access important material.